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What kind of production can we help you with?

Professional Film and Video Productions

Our Small Planet provides services for all stages of production:


Award winning Director and producers will make any shoot a successful shoot.

Our Small Planet has several equipment packages available:

Post Production

Corporate and Institutional Productions

Event promotion and big screen productions

Public Education

Library footage and visual research

We have hundreds of hours of high quality footage in our video and film library and have advised many clients on their stock footage needs.

The Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. was working on an exhibit about the Bengal Tiger. All elements were coming together but where to find images of the people that live with the tigers? Our Small Planet provided the footage that gives the museum visitor an intimate look at the local village life. (insert article of the museum)

Over time a distinguished list of clients made use of our footage to enhance their network television show, national commercials, corporate communications, museum and zoo presentations and feature film productions. (make a graphic that shows a swirl of logos like PBS, Wiskas, Smithsonian, Bill Neye, Discovery Channel, Grand Rapids Museum)

Crews for hire

We have shot news segments for worldwide satellite feeds, relieved camera men from their job in the jungle, shot segments for many television programs and news networks.

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